the Ondo clan is a semi well known clan in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, the clan is mainly known for not only the unique inherited techniques that each of the members of this clan have but also for the pure silver or sapphire eyes that they poses.
The Ondo Clan is a clan that is well respected among the jujutsu sorcerers, they often serve as marshal arts fighters, using their unique abilities to freeze dangerous threats. they are known to be cold to others, and particularly defensive about their curse tools going as far as to attack someone who insults them.
It is unknown where the location of the Clans main base is because it is a well kept secret
The Ondo clan has existed for a few centuries, with their history going as far back as the time Sukuna was alive which is the Heian Period, and because of this the Clan has a very rich history. The first recorded member of the clan was a Russian man named Korolevskiy temperature which is one of the two progenitors, the other progenitor was a Japanese woman named Akarui Atataka-sa. Korolevskiy temperature was also the person who started the clan’s tradition of making dead members into cursed tools.
The culture of the Ondo clan is a mix between Russian and Japanese cultures, examples of this can be seen in its weaponry, and traditions.
Shi no dōgu (死の道具, instruments of death)[]
The Obon clan has a tradition of making dead members of the clan into cursed tools so that the past generations can help the newer generation both in a literal and metaphorical way.
Shisha no kinenhi (死者の追悼, memorial for the dead)[]
The Obon clan has another tradition in which on the 12th of November as a memento for the dead they, open the warehouse to the public and they also light balloon linters for each weapon they have and send them off to the sky.
Powers and Abilities[]
The Ondo Clan possess a few unique attributes including their techniques and blood
Cryogenic Blood:[]
The Ondo Clan is highly known for their special blood that is naturally vary cold. they can make their blood further cold by releasing their curse energy outwards.
strengths and weakness[]
- strong ice based ability's
- extremely weak to the heat which in certain cases can even result in fainting
- because all members have freezing curse energy whenever they make a curse tool it will usually have cryokinetic traits.
- because of their extreme weakness to heat and as a result the sun they where light baggy clothing and even this may not completely work.